The Vehicle Summary Report is a comma separated list (.csv file) of all vehicles connected to Account Manager. It can help give fleet administrators a quick look at whether devices are up-to-date with the most current version of CoPilot and its map data. 

To access the Vehicle Summary Report: 

  1. Select Configure Fleet Settings in the left menu.
  2. Select the Export button.
  3. The report automatically downloads as a file titled Vehicles.csv.

You may need to widen the columns in Excel if some of the data in the report initially appears as series of "#" symbols.

The report includes:

  • Vehicle ID
  • Vehicle Name
  • Last Connected: The last time the vehicle connected to Account Manager to receive updates.
  • CreatedOn: When the device was added to the Account Manager account.
  • App Version: The version of CoPilot the device is using.
  • Map Version: The map data version of CoPilot being used within the vehicle.
  • Device Status: Active means this is the most current information for the vehicle with this Vehicle Name. Inactive means this is older information. (This field is meant to point out when duplicate Vehicle Names exist. This often occurs when a telematics device has been replaced in a truck, which changes the Vehicle ID but not the Vehicle Name.)  
  • CustomMapSet: If the device is using a MapSet, it will be shown.
  • Groups: The Vehicle Groups the vehicle is assigned to.